Depersonalization: Mastering the Art of Active Nothingness with Drew Linsalata
It's just temporary and it's merely a change in state. I actually learn the skill of doing nothing when it happens, because when I do nothing, when I relax my body, quiet my mind and learn to just be quietly courageous in the face of depersonalization, then my episodes become shorter and with less intensity and suddenly I'm no longer afraid of it.
Feeling like you're watching your life from outside your body? You're not alone. In this episode of 'The Anxious Truth', Drew Linsalata tackles the eerie sensation of depersonalization, a common but deeply unsettling symptom of anxiety. Whether you're dealing with panic disorder, generalized anxiety, or agoraphobia, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand and manage this dissociative state. Drew breaks down what depersonalization is—a temporary glitch in how your brain perceives yourself and your surroundings.
It's not a permanent state or a judgment on your mental health, but rather another symptom of anxiety that can be managed. Instead of getting lost in the 'why' of it all, Drew encourages listeners to focus on practical strategies to cope. One of his key techniques is 'active nothingness', which sounds paradoxical but is incredibly effective. It involves sitting with the uncomfortable feeling without trying to fight it or distract yourself.
Think of it like learning to ice skate; it feels awkward at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature. Drew also recommends progressive muscle relaxation, a method where you tense and then relax different muscle groups to help reduce overall anxiety. This isn't a quick fix but a skill that requires regular practice to yield results. The episode is packed with actionable advice and Drew's signature blend of empathy and expertise.
He emphasizes that by embracing rather than avoiding these symptoms, you can regain control over your life. So if depersonalization has been haunting you, tune in to learn how to face it head-on and take steps towards reclaiming your peace of mind.