Exercise and Anxiety: Understanding the Unexpected Connection
When everybody is telling you that exercise will make you feel better, but it actually makes you feel worse... when you can learn to exercise regularly while being comfortable, without going into freak out mode, then the odds become very high that not only will you have solved that problem, but, because exercise is an excellent form of what's called interoceptive exposure, you will have also sort of accidentally solved other problems too.
Ever thought exercise would calm your nerves, only to find it makes your anxiety worse? You're not alone. In this episode of 'The Anxious Truth', Drew Linsalata dives into why physical activity can sometimes trigger anxiety and even full-blown panic attacks for some people. He starts by debunking the common belief that exercise is always a stress reliever, explaining how the physical sensations of exertion can mimic anxiety symptoms, leading to increased panic.
Drew introduces the concept of interoceptive exposure, a technique that helps individuals become more comfortable with these sensations. By treating exercise as a form of this exposure, you can learn to separate the feelings of physical exertion from those of anxiety. Drew also shares his personal journey with exercise-induced anxiety, offering practical tips on how to break the cycle and regain control.
Whether you've been avoiding the gym or are looking for ways to incorporate exercise into your routine without the added stress, this episode provides valuable insights and strategies to help you improve your mental health.