
It's All In Your Head


  • It's All In Your Head

It's All In Your Head

Tune into ‘It’s All In Your Head’ for real stories of resilience and healing from those facing mental health and behavioral challenges.
Health & Wellness
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

It's All In Your Head: Real Stories of Mental Health and Resilience

Curious about how others navigate the complexities of mental health and addiction? 'It's All In Your Head' is a podcast that brings you face-to-face with the raw, unfiltered stories of individuals who have battled various mental health and behavioral challenges. Hosted by someone with firsthand experience of bipolar II depression and alcoholism, this podcast aims to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who may be struggling today.
Each week, a courageous guest steps up to share their journey—what life was like before, during, and after their struggles. From social anxiety to ADHD, from panic disorder to complex PTSD, these are real stories of resilience, vulnerability, and healing. The guests also offer practical advice and insights for those who might be facing similar battles. This isn't just a series of sad tales; it's a celebration of human spirit and the power of community support.
Whether you're dealing with mental health issues yourself or supporting someone who is, 'It's All In Your Head' provides a comforting space where you're not alone.