Transforming Your Relationship with Alcohol: Embracing Wholeness
When you chase happiness versus wholeness, you will lose every time.
Ever feel like you're caught in a tug-of-war with alcohol? In this episode of 'Stop Drinking and Start Living', Mary Wagstaff dives into the complex love-hate relationship many of us have with alcohol. She doesn't just skim the surface; she gets to the heart of why we struggle. Mary's message is clear: it's not about seeking happiness through a drink, but about striving for wholeness within ourselves.
This episode invites you to shift your mindset from moderation to a deeper self-acceptance, allowing you to be authentically you. Mary explores how cognitive dissonance—those conflicting beliefs about alcohol—keeps us in a constant state of mental friction. Instead of trying to balance the scales, she suggests we aim for a love/love relationship with ourselves, where alcohol no longer holds power over our emotions or decisions.
Through her compassionate approach, Mary encourages listeners to become the authority in their own lives, embracing their true selves without relying on alcohol as a crutch. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that challenges old habits and offers a path to genuine fulfillment and satisfaction.