Debi Talbert - Mindset & Alcohol Freedom Coach

Aging Flipped - Breaking The Stigma around ADHD, Aging & Rethinking Alcohol (Debi Talbert)

  • Doubt Island - Certain Island

Doubt Island - Certain Island

Friday 15th January 2021

Debi Talbert explores overcoming self-doubt in sobriety by celebrating small wins and introduces 'Self-Care Sundays' in this episode.
21 minutes

About this podcast

Aging Flipped - Breaking The Stigma around ADHD, Aging & Rethinking Alcohol
Debi Talbert - Mindset & Alcohol Freedom Coach
Sobriety Toolkit
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
Creative Recovery Journeys
Body & Mind
Entrepreneurship for Personal Growth
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Mastering Doubt and Certainty: Celebrating Small Wins in Sobriety

My desire is to help someone, anyone in the struggle.
Picture this: you're on a journey to rethink your drinking habits, but your mind keeps taking you on a rollercoaster ride between self-doubt and confidence. In this episode of 'Aging Flipped', Debi Talbert dives into the concept of 'Doubt Island' and 'Certain Island'. These mental states can either hold you back or propel you forward in your quest for a healthier lifestyle.
Debi, a seasoned Mindset & Alcohol Freedom Coach, shares her own struggles and triumphs, offering practical advice on how to celebrate even the smallest victories. She introduces the idea of 'Self-Care Sundays' as a dedicated time to focus on yourself and bridge the gap between doubt and certainty. With relatable anecdotes and actionable tips, this episode is perfect for anyone looking to make meaningful changes without getting overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.
Whether you're just starting out or have been on this path for a while, Debi's insights will help you stay motivated and positive. Tune in to learn how to ask the right questions, be your own detective, and ultimately, take those baby steps towards a better future.