Healing Through Vulnerability: Brandi Lea's Journey to Wellness
If you need to prioritize yourself so that you can have the desires you want, it's worth it, and I can tell you that.
Have you ever felt trapped by your own expectations or weighed down by the past? In the inaugural episode of 'Becoming Wildly Well', Brandi Lea opens up about her personal battles with addiction and mental illness within her family. Growing up amidst chaos, she struggled with perfectionism and codependency, always trying to fix those around her. But it was vulnerability that became her key to healing.
Brandi shares how accepting her hurt and emotions allowed her to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and ultimately find her purpose in life. This episode is a heartfelt guide for anyone looking to break free from their past struggles and move towards self-discovery. With Brandi's compassionate storytelling and practical advice, you'll learn how to embrace your emotions, create a positive routine, and start living your best life.
Tune in to discover how vulnerability can be your greatest strength on the path to wellness.