Banana In, Bad Mood Out: Valerie Silveira's 7 Quick Mood Boosters
If you want to get out a pen right now and a paper and just write them down somewhere and use all of them or some of them, here's another thing to think about.
Ever had one of those days where everything feels off and you just can't shake the gloom? Valerie Silveira, the Trauma Disruptor and Legacy Leader®, has a quirky yet effective mantra: 'Banana In, Bad Mood Out'. In this episode, Valerie shares the origin of this catchy phrase and offers seven actionable tips to lift your spirits in no time.
She underscores how bad moods can take a toll on our health and emphasizes the importance of taking charge of our emotional state. From the power of laughter to gaining a fresh perspective, Valerie's advice is both practical and easy to implement. So, the next time you're feeling down, remember 'Banana In, Bad Mood Out' and try out Valerie's tips for a quick mood turnaround.