Valerie Silveira

Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Valerie Silveira

  • Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Tune into 'Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira' for inspiring stories and practical advice on overcoming life's toughest challenges.
Health & Wellness
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment

Warriors in Hope: Stories of Resilience and Courage with Valerie Silveira

Ever wondered how people find the strength to rise above life's toughest challenges? 'Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira' offers a deep dive into the human spirit's resilience. Hosted by Valerie Silveira, an award-winning author and speaker, this podcast brings you heartfelt stories and practical advice for overcoming adversity. Valerie's journey through her daughter's addiction and tragic murder has equipped her with unique insights that she shares to help others stand strong in the face of their own battles.
Each episode covers themes like managing disappointment, finding beauty amidst chaos, and embracing courage. Valerie’s '9 Weapons of Hope™' provide actionable steps to foster healing and growth. Whether you're struggling with addiction, mental health issues, or just need a dose of inspiration, 'Warriors in Hope' offers a supportive community and valuable resources to guide you on your path to freedom.