Victoria English's Take on Life's Paradoxes and Sobriety
When you build those little decisions up over time, you look back and say: wow, I've done a lot of right next things. And so opportunities just seem to fall into your lap.
Have you ever felt like life's challenges come with their own set of contradictions? Victoria English dives into this very topic in a talk recorded at 'Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Live' in Medellin, Colombia. In this episode, she unpacks the '6 Paradoxes of Life and Sobriety', offering a fresh perspective on how these seemingly conflicting ideas can actually help you thrive without alcohol. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or athlete, you'll find her insights both relatable and enlightening.
Victoria's approach isn't about labeling yourself as an alcoholic but about understanding how reducing or quitting alcohol can open up new opportunities for self-discovery and growth. One of the most compelling aspects of her talk is the concept of Kintsugi, a Japanese art form that involves repairing broken pottery with gold or silver. She likens this to the journey of becoming alcohol-free—embracing your imperfections and turning them into strengths.
This episode is perfect for high achievers looking to enhance their personal and professional lives by changing their relationship with alcohol. Hosted by James Swanwick, the 'Alcohol-Free Lifestyle' podcast provides practical advice and real-life stories to help you navigate the complexities of sobriety. Tune in to learn how you can achieve peak performance while embracing a life free from alcohol.