You know, we have busy lives. We can't always take time out all the time, but I guess it's just thinking to yourself, 'I'm feeling a little bit off. Have I had enough water today? Have I rested? Actually, am I feeling a bit stressed? Do I need to let down?' You know what? I just take 10 minutes, just guys, to the family, I'm just shutting this bedroom door, give me 10. And then stick your headphones in, maybe listen to a little bit of meditation music and literally what you're triggering then is when you lay down, you're telling your nervous system, 'Oh, rest.' Okay, we're calm. So then all the kind of neurotransmitters that are about calmness in the body start to activate. So you're actually telling your body, 'I am calm.' Actually, I'm not stressed. And then you've reset, and you can go out and just continue with your life like that.