Unlocking Nutritional Secrets: Dr. Laurie Mischley's Research on Parkinson's Disease
The earlier you can grasp that and start swimming against that current and start swimming upstream, the easier it's going to be.
Ever wondered how nutrition can impact Parkinson's disease? In this episode of 'Pathways to Parkinson's Relief', Dr. Laurie Mischley shares her groundbreaking research on the role of essential nutrients in managing Parkinson's. Dr. Mischley, a clinical research assistant professor at Bastyr University, dives into her studies on coenzyme Q10, lithium, and glutathione deficiencies in Parkinson's patients. Her work aims to uncover why some individuals with Parkinson's don't experience disease progression. Through her 'CAM Care in PD' study, Dr.
Mischley identifies common traits among these non-progressors and explores how nutrition might play a crucial role. If you're interested in how diet can influence your health journey with Parkinson's, this episode offers a treasure trove of insights and practical advice.