Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

  • Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

Tune into 'Parkinsons Recovery' for expert insights, alternative treatments, and practical advice on managing Parkinson's disease.
Health & Wellness
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships

Parkinsons Recovery: Pathways to Wellness and Hope

Curious about innovative ways to manage Parkinson's disease? 'Parkinsons Recovery' is your go-to podcast for all things related to living well with Parkinson's. Founded by Robert Rodgers, PhD, in 2004, this series offers a wealth of support, information, and resources for those experiencing Parkinson's symptoms.
Each episode features expert guests who share their knowledge on a wide range of topics—from alternative treatments like Chinese Scalp Acupuncture and natural remedies such as coconut oil, to unique therapies like Laughter Yoga and psychic healing. You’ll hear about the benefits of music therapy programs such as The Tremble Clefs' Rehearsals and Painting with Parkinsons, which aim to improve vocal quality and overall well-being through breath support and creativity.
The show also delves into how electromagnetic pollution affects Parkinson's patients and discusses clinical trials on promising treatments like rapamycin. Dr. Rodgers doesn't stop there; he explores nutrition-based approaches and amino acid therapy techniques that have helped many reverse their symptoms naturally over time. With personal testimonials and expert interviews, 'Parkinsons Recovery' is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for anyone looking to alleviate Parkinson's symptoms and live a healthier life.