Breaking Free: Chelsea DeFina on Living with Intention
Tomorrow is never guaranteed, guys, and if anything, I pray and I urge you guys to take action Today. Don't wait until Monday. Don't wait until Summer's over. Don't wait until the kids go back to school, whatever it is that you're waiting for. Don't wait, because it's not guaranteed, guys.
Feeling like you're just going through the motions? In this episode of 'She Rises From Her Ashes', Chelsea DeFina shares her candid experiences of snapping out of autopilot mode and taking the reins of her life. Chelsea opens up about how she transformed her pain into power, emphasizing the urgency of living intentionally and not postponing dreams. She underscores that sobriety and mental health are daily commitments and that real growth comes from stepping out of your comfort zone.
Chelsea's morning routine, a cornerstone of her success, is also highlighted as a practical tool for setting the tone for the day. Her message is clear: no dream is too big, and it's never too late to start chasing what you truly want. If you're ready to wake up and take control of your life, this episode offers a blend of inspiration, practical advice, and a nudge to get moving.