As a survivor of human trafficking myself, I can remember, you know, going to jail lots of times as a victim. And then the feds raided our home in 06, which, you know, led to a federal investigation and prison time for the other victims. And so I think when I first got out of trafficking, I can remember sitting at my kitchen table thinking, now what? And I thought, this isn't freedom. Yeah, I was able to run and flee, but this still didn't feel like freedom. I felt very trapped coming back to the same vulnerabilities that, you know, got me trafficked in the first place. So as I sat there and I kind of thought like, this isn't freedom. It inspired me to start figuring out how to use my story for purpose, how to make some calls to action with my testimony, not just tell a sob story, but really create, you know, be a part of a movement that can create change.