Harnessing the Worm Moon's Energy: A Full Moon Event with Matt Gardiner
The more specific your request is, the more specific your result will be. Same thing with intention setting: the more specific your request will be, the more specific your results could definitely be as well.
Ever wondered how the phases of the moon can influence your life? In this episode, Matt Gardiner dives into the mystical world of the Worm Moon, the last full moon of winter. He shares his personal rituals for setting intentions and using the moon's energy for healing and manifestation. Joined by Darci, they prepare their special 'Moon Juice' and place it outside to soak up the moonlight.
This episode is packed with practical tips on incorporating full moon rituals into your daily routine. Matt emphasizes the power of clear affirmations and the role of gratitude in spiritual practices. Whether you're a seasoned moon enthusiast or just curious about lunar energy, this episode offers something for everyone. Tune in to learn how to connect with the universe's healing energies and make the most of the Worm Moon's unique power.