james marshall

Sympathy for the Devil

james marshall

  • Sympathy for the Devil

Sympathy for the Devil

Listen to 'Sympathy for the Devil' for real-life stories and expert insights on battling and overcoming addiction in its many forms.
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing

Sympathy for the Devil: Real Stories of Addiction and Recovery

Curious about the many faces of addiction? 'Sympathy for the Devil' dives into the diverse world of addictive behaviors, from sugar and love to alcohol and gambling. Hosted by James Marshall, this podcast doesn't shy away from tough topics. Each episode brings raw, personal stories of those who have faced addiction head-on, offering a window into their struggles and triumphs.
Whether it's gaming, drugs, or coping with an addicted family member, you'll hear firsthand accounts that shed light on the impact of addiction and the road to recovery. The show also features experts who provide valuable insights into the science and societal aspects of addiction. What sets 'Sympathy for the Devil' apart is its unfiltered honesty and the genuine voices of those who share their journeys.
This podcast is perfect for anyone seeking understanding, inspiration, or support in their own battles with addiction.