The Hidden Reasons Narcissists Are Sweet Around Babies
Episode Overview
Narcissists view babies as toys for projection and manipulation. Infantilisation allows narcissists total control over the child. Narcissists groom children to serve their agenda through indoctrination. Narcissists' affection is conditional and strategic. Recognising manipulation is crucial for breaking free from a narcissist's influence.
A baby's giggles, smiles, and cues may be cute to you and me, but to a narcissistic monster, they are proof of the fact that they, the narcissist, is the puppet master pulling all the strings
Ever wondered why narcissists seem to transform into loving, playful caregivers when around babies? In this episode, Danish Bashir, a narcissistic abuse recovery professional, dives into the perplexing behaviour of narcissists and their interactions with infants. Danish reveals that to a narcissist, a baby is the ultimate toy - a blank slate for projection and manipulation, offering pure validation without criticism. The baby’s innocent reactions are a goldmine for the narcissist, providing unfiltered admiration and control.
Danish explains that narcissists idealise infantilisation because it allows them total control. Unlike adults, babies cannot question or compare their experiences, making them perfect targets for the narcissist's love-bombing tactics. This exaggerated affection isn't about love but about establishing dominance and dependence. The episode also highlights how narcissists relish absolute control over a child's reality. By shaping the child's perception of the world and themselves, narcissists groom them to serve their agenda.
Danish shares his own childhood experience of being manipulated by his narcissistic parents, emphasising how such control is not love but indoctrination. Furthermore, Danish discusses how narcissists act sweet around babies to be seen as caring parents. This behaviour garners praise and attention from others while securing the child's loyalty. However, this affection is conditional and strategic, with the true nature of the narcissist eventually revealing itself behind closed doors.
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for breaking free from a narcissist's influence. Recognising manipulation as manipulation, not love, is the first step towards protecting oneself and one’s children from further harm. Babies and children deserve unconditional love and care, which narcissists are fundamentally incapable of providing. Tune in to gain deeper insights into these hidden reasons and start your journey towards healing.