Breaking the Chains of Validation: Bob Gardner's Take on True Freedom
The reason I have been able to help so many people get out of their lifelong depression and suicidal ideation, including my own way back when, is not because I validate them. It's because I help them get past the ideas, beliefs and thoughts and thought processes that created that feeling in them.
Imagine living your life constantly seeking approval from others. In this episode of 'Alive and Free', Bob Gardner dives into why this need for validation is more harmful than you might think. From the moment we're born, society, our parents, and our culture teach us to crave validation. But according to Bob, this relentless pursuit can lead to suffering, depression, and even suicide.
He argues that you're already perfect just the way you are, and seeking external validation only distances you from this inherent perfection. Instead of finding freedom, you end up caged by the opinions of others. Bob shares eye-opening insights on how to break free from this toxic cycle. He explains why validating your kids might actually rob them of their true joy and how comforting someone who is suicidal can sometimes do more harm than good.
He also sheds light on the 'Ugly Painting' trap that erodes self-esteem despite good intentions. Bob's approach is not just about stopping the search for validation but about enhancing your perception and awareness to tackle problems that aren't really there. If you're ready to challenge societal norms and embrace self-validation, this episode offers a fresh perspective that could change your life.