Unmasking Your True Self: Insights from Dr. Margaret Paul
Your inner child will very much appreciate it if you use what your pet or your imaginary pet thinks you are as a role model for how to treat yourself and others.
Have you ever pondered whether your self-worth is tied to your looks or achievements? Dr. Margaret Paul challenges this notion in her enlightening episode of the Inner Bonding podcast. She delves into the common misconception that our value is determined by external factors and explores how this belief can lead to anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. Instead, Dr. Paul encourages listeners to look inward and connect with their essence—their true soul self.
She explains that our 'wounded self,' a defense mechanism developed in childhood, often masks our true essence. Interestingly, pets can often see through this facade and connect with our authentic selves. By treating ourselves with the same compassion and care that our pets do, we can begin to uncover our true worth. Dr. Paul offers practical advice on how to shift from external validation to internal self-love, helping listeners take responsibility for their feelings and connect with their higher guidance.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing.