Becoming Your Best Self: Intentional Living in Recovery
Who do you want to be while digging the ditch?
Ever wondered who you want to become as you navigate your recovery journey? In this episode of 'From Sobriety to Recovery', Jesse Mogle dives into the power of intentional living. He asks some thought-provoking questions: Are you sharing your struggles with those you love? Are you being present and engaged with your kids or partner? Are you showing kindness and empathy in your interactions?
These questions aren't just rhetorical; they're an invitation to reflect on how you're evolving through your recovery journey. Jesse emphasizes the importance of being intentional with your actions and decisions, rather than merely reacting to life's circumstances. This approach can help you avoid those 'what if' moments and lead to more meaningful connections and personal growth.
Through his own experiences and practical advice, Jesse encourages listeners to embrace their current place in life, no matter how challenging it may be, and to grow into the person they aspire to be. This episode is a blend of inspiration, practical tips, and heartfelt advice, making it a must-listen for anyone committed to their recovery journey.