Why Prayers for Narcissists Go Unanswered
Episode Overview
Praying for a narcissist often feels futile. It's crucial to focus on your own healing. Narcissists belong to God, not us. Letting go of toxic relationships is necessary. Divine intervention operates on its own timeline.
The narcissist does not belong to us. They belong to God.
Ever wondered why your prayers for a narcissist seem to go unanswered? This episode of N.A.R.C. Troopers dives into the heart-wrenching reality of praying for someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Prajinta Pesqueda shares her personal journey, reflecting on the struggles and spiritual battles faced when trying to heal a partner who seems beyond help. Drawing parallels with St. Monica's tearful prayers for her son, St. Augustine, Pesqueda explores the limits of prayer and faith when dealing with a narcissist.
She emphasises that it's not our job to fix them – that's a task only divine intervention can handle. Through anecdotes and honest reflections, you'll gain a deeper understanding of why letting go and focusing on your own healing is crucial. Pesqueda's experiences remind us that while we may feel compelled to save our loved ones, sometimes the best we can do is pray for ourselves and move forward.
If you've ever felt trapped in a relationship with a narcissist, this episode offers both comfort and clarity. It's a reminder that your well-being matters and that stepping away from toxic relationships is not just an option – it's necessary for your recovery.