I think my mentality is let's unite and stand up and fight that's right and you know I think that you hit the nail on the head it it it's such a poignant time for us to talk about this a because it's pride b because of everything going on right now um but you gave some really practical advice to, you know, to get involved, vote on your local state, whatever, get involved in vote. But I think more, more than all of that, um, if, if we're not taking care of ourselves and finding a place of safety, whether it's, uh, loving ourselves or, or, um, being in finding that safe community to connect with. Um, I know you've spoken a lot about that, that like when you were coming out, you were like, I had to pick my people safely. Like I knew my safe people that I was going to talk to. And so, um, we're coworkers around you, friends, finding those people that you can confide in was so important for me, like knowing who was there for me.