Unmasking the Bully: Dr. Lisa LaCon on Mind Games and Self-Esteem
The bully's main intention is for you to hate yourself, for you to have this self-hatred about yourself... all for the sake of making the bully feel better about him or herself.
Ever wondered what makes someone a bully? In this engaging episode of 'Urban Tools for Change', Dr. Lisa LaCon breaks down the psychology behind bullying. Drawing from personal experiences and expert insights, Dr. LaCon explores the mind games bullies play and the insecurities that often fuel their behavior. She doesn't stop there—this episode also tackles workplace bullying and those subtle yet harmful microaggressions many of us face daily. Dr.
LaCon emphasizes the power of self-esteem as a defense against these negative tactics. By understanding the dynamics at play, you can arm yourself with the tools to resist and overcome bullying. Whether you've been a victim or are simply curious about what drives this behavior, this episode offers valuable insights that could change how you see bullies—and yourself.