Pat T.: Embracing Faith on the Road to Sobriety
When you don't make God strange and you make him familiar like he were a best friend...people start warming up to the idea that they too can have a relationship with Him.
What happens when you stop seeing God as a distant figure and start treating Him like a close friend? Pat T. shares his transformative journey in this episode of 'Big Book Awakening'. Growing up as the minister's son, Pat struggled with arrogance and a deep-seated contempt for spirituality. However, through the Twelve Steps program, he found a path to sobriety by developing an intimate relationship with God.
Pat emphasizes the importance of making God familiar, not strange, which helps others warm up to the idea of a spiritual connection. He candidly discusses how aligning his life with God's will has given him purpose and the ability to help others on their recovery journeys. This episode offers valuable insights into the role of faith in overcoming addiction and finding meaning in life.
Perfect for anyone seeking spiritual growth or support in their sobriety journey, Pat's story is a testament to the power of faith and community.