Unveiling the 'Borderline Setup Hoover': Protecting Yourself in Toxic Breakups
Episode Overview
A.J. Mahari introduces the 'borderline setup Hoover,' shedding light on the manipulative tactics employed by individuals with BPD. Emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining no contact to break the betrayal bond and protect oneself from potential harm. Provides insights into the indicators and nuances of the borderline setup Hoover, enabling listeners to recognise and respond to coercive behaviour. Offers profound expertise, compassion, and actionable strategies to aid in the healing journey from BPD relationship breakups.
Watch out that you don't get caught in a borderline setup, Hoover.
When relationships with individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) end, the aftermath can be tumultuous and deeply unsettling. In this episode of the 'Surviving BPD Relationship Breakup' podcast, host A.J. Mahari dives into the unsettling phenomenon known as the 'borderline setup Hoover'. This manipulative tactic, often employed by some individuals with BPD, involves plotting severe revenge against an ex-partner, sometimes leading to false accusations and legal troubles.
Mahari's deep understanding of these dynamics offers listeners a lifeline, stressing the crucial importance of maintaining no contact to break free from the betrayal bond. She provides clear indicators and practical advice on how to recognize and respond to such coercive behavior. With a blend of compassion and expertise, Mahari equips listeners with the tools needed to protect themselves and embark on a healing journey after a toxic breakup.