Facing Fear and Finding Life: Gris Alves' Journey of Recovery
Is your fear of dying really a fear of living?
Imagine feeling so disconnected from yourself and the world that fear becomes your constant companion. In this thought-provoking episode of 'Tales of Recovery', Gris Alves dives deep into the concept that our fear of death is actually a fear of truly living. She argues that societal pressures and cultural norms have driven us away from our natural state, leaving us alienated and fearful.
Gris challenges us to question these fears and reclaim our sense of self, pleasure, and connection to the earth and others around us. As she reflects on her own experiences and the memories of her ancestors, Gris brings a unique perspective on how we can honor our lineage while celebrating life. She emphasizes the importance of embracing all emotions, even the intense ones, as part of the human experience.
Through her personal stories and reflections, Gris encourages listeners to see life’s intensity not as something to avoid but as a beautiful aspect of our existence. Gris also touches on trauma-informed healing methods, sharing how practices like yoga and mindfulness have helped her release stored traumas. She highlights the significance of being gentle with ourselves and practicing self-compassion as we navigate the healing journey.
Her approach is not just about overcoming addiction but about breaking free from all that holds us back. This episode is a heartfelt reminder that we can face our fears and find beauty in even the most challenging moments. Gris invites us to reconnect with ourselves, the earth, and those around us, fostering a life full of gratitude and love. Tune in to discover how you can start your own journey of recovery and healing.