Transform Your Mindset: Embrace 'The Gap & The Gain' with Jeannine Coulter Lindgren
Always measure backwards, and if we measure from our starting point, we'll get an immediate boost of confidence.
Feeling stuck in life? Jeannine Coulter Lindgren has just the remedy. In this episode of 'Chasing Heroine: Addiction Recovery Podcast', she introduces 'The Gap & The Gain', a mindset tool that can instantly boost your confidence and help you achieve your goals. Originally coined by entrepreneurial coach Dan Sullivan and expanded into a book by psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy, this concept is all about shifting your focus.
Instead of measuring yourself against a future ideal, compare your progress to where you started. It’s a simple change, but it can make a world of difference. Jeannine knows this firsthand. She shares her journey from being homeless and addicted to becoming a successful fitness studio owner. By focusing on how far she’s come rather than how far she still has to go, she’s found renewed confidence and motivation.
She encourages listeners to do the same: write down your wins from the past year, set your goals for the next year, and meditate on your achievements daily. This episode is packed with practical advice and personal anecdotes that make the concept of 'The Gap & The Gain' easy to understand and apply. Whether you’re struggling with addiction, trying to stay sober, or just looking for a way to boost your confidence, this mindset shift could be the key.
Tune in and see how a small change in perspective can lead to big changes in your life.