The biggest lesson I learned was perception so I perceived myself to be a parent to children that needed guidance that needed control I wouldn't go as far as saying manipulation but every aspect of their life and their future was my responsibility and and i learned quickly that it's not and the the relationship with them is to allow them more freedom to make their mistakes...if i'm interfering and micromanaging and and being being the um the devil's advocate in every situation it can almost drive them to do things that are slightly crazy or whatever they need to do but if i i have learned to step back now uh up to a point you know i wouldn't i wouldn't let them do anything illegal or dangerous but uh you know if they've chosen the path that they think they know better then um let them learn the hard way and as long as i'm there to pick the pieces up then you know enrich what they learn by allowing them to learn it whereas before um exposing my my authoritarian experience onto them and making them follow my ironclad rules of life it's because they rebel they're kids they have to learn the hard way and uh as an alcoholic the only way i learn is the hard way and the relationship for me now is um are you sure are you really sure off you go then and before i was i was full of warnings and wisdom and uh yeah now i'm a much more uh relaxed person because you can't tell them you can't teach them they need to learn and it's um yeah it's been it's been a difficult process but it's something that that i've had to step back on i'm a parent not a child manager and i can't manage their lives for them and when whenever their pain so previously when they experienced pain with me it would have been me i would have been in the middle of it somewhere so there was always an element of blame or consequences whatever happened was always something to do with whatever i interfered with now it's a case of they come to me and uh you know i'm external i'm detached i'm not included in it and uh it's their own honest experience and we can talk about that so it's it's given me an it's an element of separation but it brings me closer to them at the end of it