Recognizing Emotional Abuse: Michael's Guide to Healing Invisible Wounds
Episode Overview
Michael discusses the signs and impact of emotional abuse, shedding light on its damaging effects He emphasizes the importance of recognizing emotional abuse, discussing its manifestation and traumatic impact Michael provides valuable insights into the healing process, advocating for acknowledging the abuse, seeking professional help, and establishing healthy boundaries
Abuse is a huge problem in America with almost one in three adult women and more than one in five adult men reporting having experienced physical, sexual or psychological intimate partner abuse in their lifetime.
When you think of abuse, physical harm might come to mind first. But what about the scars you can't see? In this episode, Michael dives deep into the often overlooked but equally damaging world of emotional abuse. He breaks down the various forms it can take, from intimidation and humiliation to isolation and excessive control. These non-physical acts can leave lasting impacts on one's mental well-being and overall ability to function.
Michael doesn't just stop at identifying the signs; he offers a roadmap for healing. Through counseling, therapy, and self-care, he highlights how victims can start to rebuild their sense of self and develop self-compassion. With a compassionate and empathetic tone, Michael provides practical advice on setting healthy boundaries and recognizing what a healthy relationship looks like.
Whether you're directly affected by emotional abuse or seeking to understand its impact better, this episode offers valuable insights and support on the journey to recovery.