Navigating Prolonged Grief Disorder: Insights from Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
The intensity and duration of grief is highly variable, not only in the same individual over time or after different losses, but also in different people dealing with ostensibly similar losses.
Grief can be a complex journey, especially when it extends beyond the expected time frame. In this episode of the 'Counselor Toolbox Podcast with DocSnipes', Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes takes a deep dive into prolonged grief disorder and the recent DSM-5 TR revisions. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get stuck in their grief while others move on? Dr.
Snipes breaks down the criteria for this condition, explaining symptoms like intense longing and preoccupation with memories that can last over a year for adults and six months for children. But what makes grief 'prolonged'? Dr. Snipes explores various factors such as the intensity of the loss, role changes, and moral injury that can contribute to this disorder.
She also sheds light on its prevalence in both the general population and among youth, as well as its frequent comorbidity with other mental health issues. If you're a counselor, coach, or someone dealing with prolonged grief, you'll find practical tools here. Dr. Snipes discusses cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based interventions that can make a significant difference. She emphasizes the mind-body connection and stresses the importance of prevention and early processing, particularly in younger individuals.
This episode isn't just for professionals; it's also for anyone who has experienced a loss and feels stuck in their grief. Dr. Snipes offers compassionate insights and actionable strategies to help you or your loved ones navigate this challenging emotional landscape.