Donna's Journey: Insights from an Oracle Card Reading
What started as a simple card pull in a Facebook group turned into a profound reading for Donna Liddle. In this episode of 'Peacock & Paisley', Heather Cate, a spiritual coach, shares Donna's experience with the oracle cards. Donna's feedback is heartfelt: 'Wow!
Thank you, this is so on point for everything that I have been working on and talking about over the last week.' The themes in Donna's reading are resonating with many of Heather's clients lately, and Heather believes it's linked to current astrological shifts. Without being an astrologer herself, Heather has been following these patterns for about 30 years and finds them fascinating. The episode explores how inner work and building a supportive community are crucial during these times.
If you're interested in the power of oracle cards or looking for spiritual guidance, this episode offers valuable insights.