Dr. Will Horton on Building a Future-Ready Practice
Episode Overview
Dr. Horton emphasizes the need for strategic thinking in practice building, urging professionals to envision their future business. The discussion spans from leveraging AI tools for scriptwriting to contemplating the potential impact of AI on various professions. Participants engage in a thought-provoking exchange on the evolving landscape of practice building and the role of technological innovations. Dr. Horton shares practical insights on the shifting tactics in the professional realm, highlighting the importance of adaptable approaches. The episode provides valuable wisdom for professionals navigating the dynamic realm of practice building and harnessing technological innovations.
If you're leaving it open of how it's going to happen, then you'll find the tactic that may work for you the best.
Ever wondered how to keep your practice thriving in a rapidly changing world? Dr. Will Horton is here to share his wealth of knowledge on this very topic. In this episode, he dives into the nitty-gritty of practice building, reflecting on his own journey through the twists and turns of hypnotherapy. Dr. Horton emphasizes the need for strategic foresight, urging listeners to envision where they want their practice to be in the next 12 to 36 months.
He advocates for a '10x thinking' approach, which means aiming for exponential growth rather than just incremental improvements. One of the highlights of this episode is Dr. Horton's discussion on leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT for tasks such as scriptwriting and content creation. He explores how these technological advancements can streamline operations and enhance creativity. The conversation also ventures into the broader implications of AI on various professions, sparking a lively debate among the participants.
Whether you're a therapist, marketer, or just someone interested in the future of work, Dr. Horton's insights offer a compelling blend of strategic advice and practical tips. This episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone looking to stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.