Unveiling the Hidden Factors in Parkinson's Recovery: Insights from Robert Rodgers, PhD
The problem is a problem of control over your recovery.
What if the key to managing Parkinson's symptoms lies in understanding stress and trauma? In this enlightening episode, Robert Rodgers, PhD, the founder of Parkinsons Recovery, shares his decade-long research journey. Rodgers has identified numerous factors that contribute to Parkinson's symptoms and a variety of therapies that can help reverse them. But the burning question remains: why don't more people succeed in becoming completely symptom-free? Rodgers' surprising discovery sheds light on this mystery.
He emphasizes that trauma and stress are significant players in the disease and that each person's path to recovery is unique. By listening to your intuition, taking control of your thoughts, and finding ways to relax, you can significantly improve your quality of life. If you're seeking support and new strategies to manage Parkinson's, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and hope. Rodgers' insights provide a fresh perspective on how to take control of your recovery journey.