Untangling Anxiety: How Incorrect Conclusions Shape Our Fears
The greatest lessons I've ever learned in my life are from the valleys, not from the mountaintops, and we have to travel through our feelings and work through our feelings in order to get to the other side in a successful way.
Imagine living with anxiety that stems from lessons learned the wrong way. That's what Betsy Kindall, Nicole Fairchild, and Stacy Moore tackle in this episode of Arkansas A.W.A.R.E. They break down how our minds can twist experiences into anxiety-inducing conclusions. Ever been afraid of something because of one bad encounter? That's what they're talking about.
They dive into books like 'How to Rewire Your Anxious Brain' by Pittman & Karle, and 'The Anxious Truth' by Linsalata, offering insights on how to reframe those faulty conclusions. The trio also explores practical strategies like exposure exercises and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. They discuss the limits of therapy and why sometimes, the journey through our feelings is where the real learning happens.
As they say, 'The greatest lessons I've ever learned in my life are from the valleys, not from the mountaintops'. Whether you're an educator, parent, or just someone looking to understand anxiety better, this episode is packed with relatable stories and practical advice. Tune in and start untangling those incorrect conclusions today.