How Trauma Hides in Your Body: Practical Insights from DocSnipes
When you experience pain or threat, or even significantly anticipate pain or threat, we become more aware of stimuli and it can trigger the threat response, the hpa axis, the vagus nerve, in the future.
Ever wondered why certain memories make your heart race or your stomach churn? In this episode of the 'Counselor Toolbox Podcast', Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes dives into the mysterious ways trauma can get stuck in our bodies. Starting with the orienting response—a survival mechanism we all have—Dr. Snipes explains how even newborns use this to connect with their caregivers. But what happens when that connection feels unsafe? This can lead to hypervigilance, where every little thing feels like a threat. Dr.
Snipes breaks down how this hyper-awareness can set off the startle reflex, making stress a constant companion. The episode goes deeper into the role of the vagus nerve, which is key to our 'rest and digest' system. Imagine it as the body's natural brake pedal, helping us calm down. Dr. Snipes shares simple techniques like humming, yoga, and meditation to strengthen this nerve's ability to trigger relaxation.
She also highlights how hypervigilance can keep us on high alert, affecting our responses to everyday stimuli and setting off the threat response, the HPA axis, and the vagus nerve. By the end of this episode, you'll have a toolkit of strategies to help your body find its way back to calm. Whether you're a mental health professional or someone looking for personal guidance, this episode offers valuable insights into understanding and managing trauma stored in the body.