Cynthia Bailey-Rug explores the hidden aspects of highly functional vs. highly dysfunctional behavior and offers practical steps for emotional healing.
Understanding Highly Functional and Highly Dysfunctional Behavior
People in relationships with highly dysfunctional people also need to take care of themselves, especially if the highly dysfunctional person doesn't recognize their dysfunction.
Ever wondered what it really means to be highly functional or highly dysfunctional? Cynthia Bailey-Rug dives into this fascinating topic, challenging common perceptions. She reveals that being highly dysfunctional isn't just about obvious chaos; it often involves people who seem to have it all together but are actually avoiding their issues and causing harm in subtle ways. These individuals might overwork themselves to the brink or defend toxic family behaviors, unknowingly spreading pain around them.
Cynthia's discussion is both eye-opening and practical, offering steps to confront these hidden dysfunctions. She emphasizes the importance of facing the truth about one's life and turning to God for strength and healing. For those dealing with a highly dysfunctional person, Cynthia stresses the need for self-care and setting firm boundaries. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the deeper layers of functional and dysfunctional behavior and find paths to emotional wellness.