The truth is always going to come out, and we understand and respect the relationships that you feel like you need to take to the grave, but it is quite literally screwing with you so badly. It's like I've endured enough, and now I'm going to be like, now, now I have to deal with this, and what, I'm just supposed to, like, okay, well, it happened, and he's dead, so, like, well, it made it, like, did I do something, like, I'm sorry, what did I do, right? What did I do for you to ignore me, for you to disrespect me, like that, like, what did I do, and I have two things like one if and I said this I texted another friend on Thanksgiving, um, someone who again, we're kind of, I don't know how to explain him but he was just like, like, we had gone to his wedding like he was the only person that lived in New York so like I had gotten to like a little bit of his wife like I didn't really talk to him since he died but um he was just somebody I felt like kind of would be real with me a little bit and I was like you know said whatever I said to him I was like you know angry and I just texted and he wrote back and he was like I'm so sorry I don't he uh, he goes, I know like he had, you know, he's not been the greatest to women in the past. Like, I'm just, I don't know about it. I don't.