Teen Dating Violence: Spotting the Signs and Finding Help
It shouldn't be something that's constantly sucking energy and life from you, and to remember that you are a whole person, regardless of your romantic status, and that the relationships you allow into your life Today do have an effect on the long term and what you end up accepting.
Teen dating violence is a topic that often gets swept under the rug, but in this episode of 'Our Story Isn't Over', Aaron Zimmerman and Kevin Piskarek bring it into the spotlight. They dive deep into Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, sharing insights that are crucial for both teens and their families. The discussion isn't just about physical abuse; they also talk about emotional, mental, and psychological abuse, which can be just as damaging.
Kevin, with his extensive experience in advocacy, breaks down the different types of abuse and stresses the importance of recognizing red flags early on. He also tackles some common misconceptions, like the idea that only women can be victims of dating violence. By highlighting that men can also suffer from abuse, Kevin broadens the conversation and makes it more inclusive. One of the key takeaways from this episode is the emphasis on self-love and self-respect.
Aaron and Kevin remind listeners that a healthy relationship should uplift you, not drain you. They encourage teens to seek help if they find themselves in an abusive relationship and provide resources for support. If you're a teen, a parent, or someone who works with young people, this episode is a must-listen. It offers practical advice on how to spot the warning signs of dating violence and where to turn for help.
Tune in to gain a better understanding of this important issue and learn how to support those who might be affected.