Choosing Love Over Fear: Transforming Your Alcohol Relationship
When we're making decisions from love and abundance, we're choosing to know that there is enough right, that if we decide we want something, it is possible.
What if the key to changing your relationship with alcohol lies in the emotions behind your decisions? In this episode of 'Stop Drinking and Start Living', Mary Wagstaff dives into the ninth step of her ten-part series, focusing on the powerful contrast between love and abundance versus fear and scarcity. She breaks down how our emotional energy shapes our choices and, ultimately, our lives.
Mary explains that decisions driven by love and abundance lead to more fulfilling outcomes than those rooted in fear and scarcity. This episode encourages listeners to reflect on where their attention goes and how it influences their actions. By planning ahead with a mindset of possibility rather than practicality, Mary believes we can set ourselves up for success in situations where we might have previously turned to alcohol.
Tune in to discover how to create a supportive space that nurtures your true desires and helps you move away from old habits.