Day 44 of Sobriety: Babs Gray Finds Unexpected Joy
I have always been very driven and I have always had a goal, and like was always going for it. Of course, it wouldn't be because it sounds like a good life. But you know, when you give your whole fucking life to something and it doesn't happen for you, and I'm not saying it hasn't happened for you, like I said, a lot of good things have happened, but I think, like it doesn't just live up to that thing that you had in your head.
Who knew 44 days without booze could feel this good? Babs Gray certainly didn't. In this episode of 'Babstinence', Babs surprises herself by admitting that she's starting to feel pretty darn great. With nearly a month and a half of sobriety under her belt, she's noticing some big changes in her life. Time, once an obsession, now seems to flow more naturally.
She's also diving into new hobbies like reading and even taking a piano class at the local community college. Who would've thought a comedian known for her wild stories would find solace in such simple pleasures? And speaking of wild stories, Babs spills some juicy Hollywood gossip about a make-out session with an actor from 'Better Call Saul'. No guests this week, just pure, unfiltered Babs.
Whether you're sober curious or deep into your own journey, Babs' candid reflections and unexpected joys might just inspire you to see sobriety in a new light. Tune in and find out why Babs is feeling good, against all odds.