The process just really starts with talking... in the process of doing that you learn so much. I had a woman once from Mexico, for example, she had complained about her bad back and stuff and instead of going through treatment the first thing I asked her is just, you know, how does she deal with pain? I feel pain, and then I grit my teeth, and I don't say anything to anybody. First, I just realized, realized okay so you're the type of person when you feel pain she presses in and represses that pain and that's the first thing you have to learn you have to learn that your pain isn't meant like you don't ignore your pain like your pain is a signal right off and first thing you have to do is not like hold it and like keep it inside you've got to you got to immediately start to figure out how to release and stuff so it's things like this like information that comes around that comes around from lifestyle and the way that you approach pain you know she was a very proud person and she was like no one's going to ever see me feel pain and again that was more a part of the therapy initially.