Michael Stoller's Day at The Meadows: Finding Balance and Sobriety
The most beneficial part of the group for me was the people I didn't like or I didn't get along with or annoyed me, and I had to look constantly. Why is this person upsetting me or getting under my skin so much, and when I really took a step back, I got to see that person was a mirror of me and to see what a mirror of me looks like, not pretty.
Ever wondered what a day in rehab is really like? In this episode of 'My Blueprint: Struggle Towards Emotional Sobriety', Michael Stoller takes you through his daily life at The Meadows, a rehabilitation center where he confronted his self-centeredness and narcissism head-on. Each morning, after a hearty breakfast, Michael would retreat to his room for some quiet time, diving into prayer and two books that became his lifeline.
Peer meetings were a cornerstone of his day, offering a space to wrestle with emotions and connect with others on similar journeys. Michael also delves into the therapy sessions and activities that filled his days, from guided meditation to brain exercises, all designed to help him achieve emotional balance. Curious about the books that made a difference for him? Michael teases a future episode where he'll dive deeper into his recommended reads.
Tune in to get a real sense of what it takes to move towards emotional sobriety.