Redefining Normal: A Fresh Take on Life After Breast Cancer
We are working on looking at life through the beginner's mind, so looking at your life with fresh eyes and a fresh mind, and evaluating and questioning and getting really curious about the things that work for us and the things that don't and the things that we would like to change, and again, all without judgment but with curiosity.
Ever wonder what life could look like if you threw 'normal' out the window? Laura Lummer, host of 'The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach', invites you to imagine just that. Laura, a two-time breast cancer survivor, challenges listeners to rethink their routines and habits, asking what might happen if they dared to do things differently. It's so easy to fall into the trap of doing things the way we always have, simply because it's familiar.
But what are we missing out on by sticking to the status quo? Laura explores this intriguing question, encouraging you to see life through fresh eyes and consider new possibilities. She delves into how self-imposed labels like 'the strong one' or 'the sweet one' can box us in and limit our healing. By embracing curiosity and intentional thinking, Laura advocates for breaking free from these labels and creating a life that's not just about surviving but thriving.
This episode is a thought-provoking journey into reimagining life post-breast cancer, where 'normal' might just be overrated. Tune in for a refreshing perspective that could change how you see your world.