Unmasking Shame: A Deep Dive into Addiction Recovery
Our experiences in our development, right from the very beginning, can lay down the foundations for shame, and that those foundations are laid down before we even have words to describe it.
Feeling weighed down by shame and its connection to addiction? This episode of 'Ask an Addiction Specialist' opens with a soothing two-minute mindfulness meditation, setting the stage for a profound discussion on how shame influences addiction and recovery. The host unpacks how our earliest experiences can plant the seeds of shame, long before we even have the words to describe these feelings.
Drawing inspiration from Martin Buber's concept of relatedness, the conversation shifts towards recognizing the sacredness in everyone, rather than fixating on faults. Personal anecdotes are shared, including the host's own journey through hitting rock bottom, grappling with overwhelming shame, and the destructive behaviors that followed. The episode sheds light on the crushing impact of holding oneself to impossible standards, leading to resentment and exhaustion.
But it’s not all doom and gloom—there's a strong emphasis on the healing power of community support and validation. The host also recommends checking out Johan Harry's Ted Talks on addiction and shame for additional insights. Whether you're struggling with addiction yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode offers valuable perspectives on overcoming shame and finding a path to recovery.