Jeffrey Jensen: Embracing the Hero’s Journey in Sobriety
I absolutely believe that everybody is the hero of their own story.
Ever wondered what it takes to be the hero of your own story? Jeffrey Jensen joins Curt Neider and Shelley Mangum on the Illuminate Recovery Podcast to share his powerful sobriety journey and how he helps others understand their 'Hero’s Journey'. As a clinical outreach representative at Lakeview Health, Jeffrey emphasizes that addiction is more than just a personal battle; it's a symptom of deeper issues, often tied to trauma.
He firmly believes that recognizing our powerlessness over addiction is the first step towards recovery. Jeffrey also sheds light on the importance of family support in the recovery process. He stresses that while loved ones can play a crucial role, they must also be willing to grow and learn alongside the person struggling with addiction.
His experience in adolescent treatment reveals that younger individuals are often more open to trying new things, making them easier to work with compared to adults. A key point Jeffrey makes is about the limitations of choice when someone is deep in addiction. He explains that the ability to make decisions is severely restricted, highlighting the need for a supportive environment to help individuals regain control of their lives.
This episode isn't just about Jeffrey's story; it's a call to action for anyone grappling with addiction or supporting someone who is. Jeffrey’s insights offer hope and practical advice for navigating the complex journey of recovery. Tune in to understand how you can be the hero in your own recovery story.