Stormy Hill's Sensory Solutions: Transforming Mental Health and Addiction Recovery
We actually have much more ability to work with and change the brain than we as clinicians initially thought... It's a really powerful tool, just by where the sensory input is processed in our brain, to get us up into the thinking part of the brain.
Ever wondered how sensory rooms can help those battling mental health issues and addiction? In this episode of 'Illuminate Recovery Podcast', hosts Curt Neider and Shelley Mangum chat with Stormy Hill, an occupational therapist with a unique approach. Hill delves into the world of sensory rooms and sensory-based skills programs, sharing how these tools can aid individuals with autism, attention disorders, and various mental health challenges.
With her extensive experience, she discusses the creation of sensory room designs and training modules that are accessible to both professionals and the general public. Hill highlights the surprising impact of sensory rooms on brain function, revealing how these environments can help individuals move from a state of emotional overload to a place of calm and clarity.
She emphasizes the importance of a bottom-up approach to therapy, focusing on building a toolkit of sensory motor strategies that can be used in times of stress. Whether you're dealing with mental health issues, addiction, or supporting someone who is, this episode offers valuable insights into innovative therapeutic techniques that could make a difference.