Kira Swensen


Kira Swensen

  • Sparked


Tune into 'Sparked' for heartfelt interviews on addiction recovery and harm reduction, aiming to end stigma and offer hope.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation
Family & Relationships

Sparked: Igniting Conversations on Addiction and Recovery

Curious about how we can change the conversation around addiction? 'Sparked' is a compelling podcast based out of West Texas, hosted by Kira Swensen, that aims to do just that. This series is dedicated to breaking down the stigma surrounding addiction through heartfelt interviews with harm reduction specialists, community members, and individuals in recovery. Each episode sheds light on the transformative power of kindness, support, and effective resources in the journey to recovery.
From discussing the benefits of harm reduction services to exploring the emotional and social aspects of substance use, 'Sparked' offers a rich tapestry of stories and insights. Whether it's Jacey Timmes sharing her advocacy work or Devon Brasher recounting his path from addiction to advocacy, every guest brings a unique perspective that resonates deeply. The podcast also touches on the importance of mental health and legislative efforts in supporting those battling addiction.
What sets 'Sparked' apart is its compassionate approach, emphasizing that small acts of kindness can make a monumental difference. If you're looking for an empathetic and informative take on addiction and recovery, 'Sparked' is a must-listen.