Taming the Hijacked Brain: Todd and Mike's Guide to Emotional Mastery
We are emotional creatures. God created us that way. But many times our emotions hijack our brains and this causes us to make bad or sinful decisions. How do we handle a hijacked brain? How can we control and manage runaway emotions that cause us to make decisions or say hurtful and wrong things. Listen as Mike and Todd discuss this important issue.
Ever felt like your emotions are driving the bus, taking you down paths you'd rather avoid? In this engaging episode of 'More Than Recovery', Todd Robinson and Mike dive into the whirlwind of emotions that can hijack our brains. They chat about how these runaway feelings often lead to poor decisions, sometimes even harmful ones, and what we can do to regain control.
This isn't just about addiction; it's about everyday life where emotions like greed, envy, and despair can take the wheel if we're not careful. The duo sheds light on the amygdala, that tiny part of our brain responsible for the fight-or-flight response, and how it plays a significant role in our emotional outbursts. Todd and Mike don't just identify the problem; they offer practical advice on managing these emotions.
They discuss the pitfalls of pride and the power of prayer, emphasizing the importance of being honest with oneself and seeking help when needed. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand their emotions better and lead a more fulfilling life. Tune in and discover how to keep your emotions in check and make decisions that align with your true self.