Spotting the Hidden Pitfalls of Love and Compassion in Parenting Addicted Teens
The way to deal with near enemies is actually really straightforward. But if these near enemies sound familiar to you, just accept that you're doing the work that you need to do now and to recognize them and then you can change.
Parenting a child struggling with substance use is tough enough without the emotional minefields that come with it. Brenda Zane, host of 'Hopestream', dives into the concept of 'near enemies' in this episode. These are emotional responses that seem positive but can sneakily cause harm. Imagine compassion turning into enabling—sounds familiar? Brenda unpacks how these near enemies can disrupt your parenting approach and offers practical tips to recognize and manage them.
Brenda shares two common near enemies that parents often face. By understanding these disguised negative emotions, you can start avoiding unhealthy patterns and maintain a healthier relationship with your child. She also provides a simple test and solution you can start using right away to spot these emotional pitfalls. Graduation season can be particularly challenging for parents of children with substance use issues. Brenda offers a tried-and-true tip to help you navigate this emotionally charged time without losing your sanity.
She suggests allowing yourself a small grieving period if needed and limiting exposure to social media, reminding parents that every child's path is different and it's okay if they aren't following the same trajectory as their peers. In addition, Brenda announces an exciting new community for dads dealing with similar challenges. This upcoming group will offer a safe space for men to connect and learn valuable CRAFT skills.
If you're looking for actionable advice and emotional support to help you through the ups and downs of parenting a child with addiction, this episode is a must-listen. Brenda's insights will leave you feeling more equipped to handle these complex emotions and situations.