Childhood Trauma's Hidden Impact: Why Empaths Attract Narcissists
When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated. - Brene Brown
Ever wondered why empaths often find themselves entangled with narcissists? Raven Scott takes a deep dive into this perplexing pattern in this episode. Drawing from her own experiences as a survivor of narcissistic abuse, Raven unpacks how unhealed childhood trauma can set the stage for these toxic relationships. She outlines the signs of such trauma, including people-pleasing, codependency, and the constant need for external validation.
Raven explains how these traits make empaths particularly vulnerable to narcissists, who thrive on exploiting these weaknesses. Raven doesn't just leave you with the 'why'; she offers practical steps to start your healing journey. From setting boundaries to learning to prioritize your own needs, Raven provides a roadmap to reclaiming your authentic self. She emphasizes the importance of listening to your intuition and using Human Design as a tool for understanding your unique energy vulnerabilities.
With quotes from thought leaders like Brene Brown and Henry Cloud, this episode is packed with wisdom and actionable advice. Whether you're currently in a toxic relationship or still healing from one, Raven's insights offer a beacon of hope and a path to recovery. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break free from the cycle of emotional abuse and step into their true potential.